The Finance and Investment Committee oversees all matters relating to the Company’s financial reporting and disclosure. It also assumes oversight of its financial policies and financial strategy, potential corporate actions such as fund raising or Mergers and Acquisition as well as its arrangements for funding, resourcing and staffing.
The Audit, Compliance and Risk Management Committee is charged with oversight of internal control, compliance and risk management, working with the respective internal functions.
The roles and responsibilities of the Committee are set out in its Charter, which is reviewed periodically by the Committee, taking into account relevant legislation and recommended best practice.
The role of the Remuneration, Governance and Nomination Committee is to assist and advise the Board on matters related to the remuneration of the Directors and Senior Management, such that the Company is able to attract and retain the best talent. In addition, it has oversight of governance matters.
The Technical and Sustainability Committee assumes oversight of the technical aspects of the Company’s operations, including production, health, safety and environmental matters, as well as sustainability matters. It also assesses the performance of existing plants and the viability of proposed expansion projects.
The Committee is comprised of two Independent Non-Executive Directors, one Non-Executive Director and three shareholder representatives, and has a Charter that defines and regulates its activities in line with its statutory functions laid out by CAMA. The Committee meets as the need arises in fulfillment of its mandate. Other senior management and external advisers may be invited to attend meetings as the Committee considers appropriate.